On the other hand , since the ontology - driven ir is the hot field of ir research which shows a promising future , it is necessary to research these two points together and the paper discuss the relevance performance in different ontology - driven ir model and compare them with the mizzaro relevance model 本文以米扎罗四维相关性模型为基础,对不同类型本体信息检索模型式下的相关性表现进行了对比研究,发现在本体信息检索条件下,相关性得到较大提高。
The relationship of chloride ions diffusion coefficient with time conforms to power function according to chloride ions " content in each layer of different concrete . based on the relationship , a mathematical model equation of chloride ions diffusion in concrete was deduced as follow : test results show that chloride ions diffusion coefficient decreases with the water / binder ratio reducing . when fly ash or slag is properly blended , chloride ions diffusion coefficient will also drop 通过取样测得不同技术条件混凝土各层氯离子含量,得到氯离子扩散系数与时间成幂函数关系,据此推出氯离子在混凝土中扩散的数学模型式为:试验结果表明,氯离子的扩散系数随着水胶比的减小而降低,适当地掺入粉煤灰或矿渣粉可以有效地降低氯离子的扩散系数。