樊: fence; hedge a surname尚: still; yet感染: infect; be infected with; in ...舌扁桃体樊尚感染: vincent infection of lingual tonsil樊尚感染,溃疡膜性咽峡炎: vincent infection樊尚: vincennes; vincens; vincent樊尚春: shang-chun fan勒樊尚: levincent圣樊尚: saint vincent; saint vincetn; st. vincent; st. vincetn感染: 1.(受到传染) infect; be infected with; infection 轻度感染 light infection; 手术后感染 postoperative infection; 细菌感染 bacterial infection; 防止再感染 avoid reinfection2.(引起相同的思想感情) influence; infect; affect 艺术感染力 artistic appeal; 他的笑声感染了全班同学。 she infected the whole class with her laughter.; 感染率 infection rate; 感染梅毒 syphilization; 感染疟疾 ague; 感染期 infection period; infection stage; 感染源 source of infection 巴亚尔樊尚: bayard vincent樊尚比鲁塔: vincent biruta樊尚格佐杰: vincent guezodje樊尚坎德拉: vincent candela樊尚康代拉: vincent candela樊尚口炎: vincent stomatitis樊尚螺菌: vincent spirileum樊尚马翁古: vincent mavoungou樊尚萨坎加: vincent sakanga樊尚斯科托: vincent scotto樊尚咽峡炎: vincent angina樊尚龈口炎: vincent stomatitis蒙圣樊尚: mont saint vincent; mont-saint-vincent; mont-st.-vincent尼勒圣樊尚: nil st. vincent; nil-saint vincent; nil-st. vincent圣樊尚德兰: saint vincent-de-reins; st. vincent de reins; st. vincent-de-reins