概括: summarize; summarization; ge ...你: you的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...演讲: speech; give a lecture; make ...给你的演讲做个准备: get your speech well prepared他们为什么来听你的演讲: put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech概括演讲: summarize your speech难忘的演讲: memorable discourses冗长的演讲: a tedious lecture正规的演讲: discourse discourse最后的演讲: last discourse人们会敬畏和赞美的心情聆听你的演讲: people will listen to you in awe and admiration大学的演讲词: american university speech关于禅的演讲: discourses on zen论坛上的演讲: simplicity生活中的演讲: everybody's speeches突出他的演讲: highlight his speech学术性的演讲: a series of lecture on鼓舞人心的演讲: an inspiring speech激动人心的演讲: an inspiring speech精简某人的演讲: condense one’s speech精心炮制的演讲: a polished speech枯燥无味的演讲: a dull lecture老生常谈的演讲: cut and dried speech令人困乏的演讲: a tiresome lecture