Optical interference takes place in a thin transparent wedge of refractive index m . 光的干涉发生在折射率为m的薄的透明的楔形物里。
Green and pratt employed a rotating-mirror camera with an explosively driven wedge . Green和Pratt使用旋转镜头的摄影机,其具有一种爆发性的楔形物。
Green and pratt employed a rotating - mirror camera with an explosively driven wedge Green和pratt使用旋转镜头的摄影机,其具有一种爆发性的楔形物。
Adhesives - determination of dynamic resistance to cleavage of high - strength adhesive bonds under impact conditions - wedge impact method 粘合剂.在冲击条件下测定高强度胶粘剂耐动态劈裂性.楔形物冲击法
Adhesives - determination of dynamic resistance to cleavage of high - strength adhesive bonds under impact conditions - wedge impact method 粘合剂.在冲击条件下高强度胶粘剂耐动态劈裂的测定.楔形物冲击法