Water is also needed to fight wildfires in western states like california , nevada and washington 在西部的加利福利亚、内华达和华盛顿,也需要水来扑灭森林野火。
Again florida has experienced another major disaster in 1998 with the wildfires that have affected so many communities 佛罗里达州在一九九八年再次经历了一个大灾难一场森林野火。
The end of may , a persistent drought has sparked a chain of wildfires that has been raging through forests in northeastern florida lasting more than forty days . the blaze has destroyed nearly four hundred and eighty thousand acres of woodlands and has burned down many homes 久旱不雨,引起森林野火,火势一发不可收拾在佛州东北部地区,自五月底连续燃烧了40几天。炎热的火焰烧毁了近48万英亩的山林,使得许多的民房受到殃及,同时有几条主要的道路也被迫封闭,空气中弥漫着烧焦的味道。