

  • extractum gossypii fluidum
  • :    a general term for cotton an ...
  • :    root
  • 流浸膏:    fluid extract; liquid extrac ...
  • 吐根流浸膏:    extractum ipecacuanhae liquidum; fluid ipecac extract; ipecae fluidextract; liquid extract of ipecacuanha (fluid extract of ipecacuanha)
  • 颠茄根流浸膏:    fluidextractum belladonnae radicis; liquid extract of belladonna root


        :    a general term for cotton an ...
        :    root
        流浸膏:    fluid extract; liquid extrac ...
        吐根流浸膏:    extractum ipecacuanhae liquidum; fluid ipecac extract; ipecae fluidextract; liquid extract of ipecacuanha (fluid extract of ipecacuanha)
        颠茄根流浸膏:    fluidextractum belladonnae radicis; liquid extract of belladonna root
        夹竹桃麻根流浸膏:    apocynum fluidextract
        流浸膏:    [药理学] fluid extract; liquid extract
        【药学】流浸膏剂。:    fluid extract
        案叶流浸膏:    liquid extract of eucalyptus (fluid extract of eucalyptus)
        半夏流浸膏:    extractum pinellae liquidum
        橙皮流浸膏:    liquid extract of bitter orange
        醋制流浸膏:    fluid acet extract; fluid-acet-extract
        大黄流浸膏:    fluidextractum ehei; liquid extract of rhubarb (fluid extract of rhubarb); rhubarb fluid extract; rhubarb fluidextract
        颠茄流浸膏:    bellado a liquid extract; belladonna liquid extract; extractum belladonnae liquidum
        芳香流浸膏:    aromatic fluid extract
        甘草流浸膏:    extractum glycyrrhizae liquidum; extracturm glycyrrhizae liquidum; glycyrrhiza fluidextract; glycyrrhiza liquid extract; licorice root fluidextract; liquid extract of liquorice (fluid extract of glycyrrhiza)
        肝流浸膏:    extractum hepatis liquidum; liquid liver extract; liver fluid extract
        海葱流浸膏:    extractum scillae liquidum; fluidextractum scillae; liquid extract of squill (fluid extract of squill); squill fluidextract
        黄柏流浸膏:    cortex phellodendri phellodendron bark liquidum; cortex phellodendri, phellodendron bark liquidum
        黄连流浸膏:    extractum coptidis liquidum; liquid extract of coptis (fluid extract of coptis)
        姜流浸膏:    extractum zingiberis liquidum; ginger fluid
        桔梗流浸膏:    extractum platycodi liquidum; platycodon glaucus fluidextract
        流浸膏剂:    extractum liquidum; fliud extracts
        麻黄流浸膏:    extractum ephedrae liquidum
        麦角流浸膏:    cornutol; ergot fluid extract; extract of ergot liquid; extractum ergotae liquidum; extractum secalis conuti fluidum; fluidextractum ergotae; liquid extract of ergot (fluid extract of ergot)


  1. "棉秆收割机"英文
  2. "棉高捻"英文
  3. "棉格料"英文
  4. "棉格绒衬衫"英文
  5. "棉根腐病"英文
  6. "棉根皮"英文
  7. "棉根皮素"英文
  8. "棉根素"英文
  9. "棉根皂甙元"英文
  10. "棉工作服上衣"英文


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