检验: checkout; test; examine; ins ...学: study; learn化验: chemical examination; labora ...材料检验学: materiology体液检验学: ecsomatics理化检验学会: society of physical and chemical inspection无损检验学会: sntx射线材料检验学: x ray materiology美国无损检验学会: american society for nondestructive testing美国质量检验学会: asqc射线材料检验学: roentgenomateriology x医学检验学校审批局: accrediting bureau of medical laboratory schools测验学生: test the students和经验学派: experiential paradigm机能实验学: function experimentation经验学派: empirical school经验学习法: experience method; experiential learning实验学科: laboratory course实验学习: experimental learning; learning by experimentation实验学校: experimental school; laboratory school水文测验学: hydrography; hydrometry心理测验学: psychology testing; ychometrics智力测验学: psychometrics工作经验学分: blanket credits经验学习曲线: experience curve effects