Kessler, formerly an egg candler, lives alone on social security . 凯斯勒原先是个禽蛋质量检验员,现在他靠社会保险过着孤独的日子。
He explained his proposal to kessler, but the egg candler was not listening . 他把他的主意给凯斯勒明说了,可是禽蛋检验员却充耳不闻。
What is the probability that an inspector will find 8 or more defects in a lot of 15 pieces ? 检验员从15件产品中检验出不少于8件废品的概率是多少?
These decrements in intellectual behavior were found in firemen exposed to carbon monoxide at 100 ppm for varying periods of time . 在不定期地暴露于100ppm浓度的一氧化碳的瓦斯检验员中,发现了这种智力行为的衰退。
The business will require armies of administrators , checkers , and foremen , and administrative overhead will rise correspondingly . 那么该企业将需要大批大批的管理人员、检验员、工头,因而管理费用将会相应地升高。