

发音:   用"检索策略"造句


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  1. A kind of retrieval strategy based on web and realization
  2. Practical retrieval skills of search engine
  3. Retrieval methods and utility of online legal information resources
  4. Strategies of reference to information resources on research into tao xingzhi
  5. The method of the retrieval strategies of parallel search is used in the searches mechanism of the fault case


        检索:    retrieval; retrieve; search; ...
        策略:    tactics a surname
        搜索策略 检索策略:    searchstrategy
        扩充布尔检索策略:    extended boolean search strategy
        搜索策略:    create a search strategy; search strategy
        图搜索策略:    graph search strategy; graph-search strategy; graph-searchstrategy
        分阶段搜索策略:    staged search strategy
        索策:    sortso
        检索:    retrieval; retrieve; search; searching 结构检索 structural retrieval; 联机检索 on-line retrieval; 机械化情报检索 mechanized information retrieval; 近似检索 false retrieval; 内容检索 content retrieval; 确定检索 diterministic retrieval; 随机检索 stochastic retrieval; 文件检索 document retrieval; 信息检索 information retrieval; 资料检索 data retrieval; 检索操作 search operation; 检索程序 search program; 检索存储器 search memory; 检索方法 search method; 检索卡片 key card; 检索库 search library; 检索员 searcher; 检索指令 search instruction
        策略:    1.(制定的行动方针和斗争方式) tactics 研究对敌斗争的策略 study the tactics of our struggle against the enemy;制定新的策略 devise new tactics; 合法的斗争策略 lawful struggle tactics; 要成为有成就的政治家, 就必须有高明的策略。 if you want to be a successful politician, you must make yourself able in tactics.2.(讲究斗争艺术) tactful 做事要策略一些 do things more tactfully; 这样做不策略。 it's not tactful to do so.3.[数学] (对策) policy; strategy; game; 策略家 tactician; engineer; 策略理论 game theory
        表检索:    table search
        错检索:    false retrieval
        假检索:    false retrieval; false drop
        检索 报告:    search report
        检索,查询:    retrieve
        检索;恢复:    retrieval
        检索;撷取:    retrieve
        检索包:    retrieval package; retrieval packet
        检索本:    search copy
        检索比:    recall ratio
        检索表:    key
        检索词:    keyword
        检索点:    access point
        检索库:    search library
        检索率:    recall factor; recall ratio



  1. "检索表"英文
  2. "检索不一致性"英文
  3. "检索菜单"英文
  4. "检索参数"英文
  5. "检索操作"英文
  6. "检索程序"英文
  7. "检索出的消息"英文
  8. "检索词"英文
  9. "检索词表, 项目表"英文
  10. "检索词记录文件"英文


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