In the first part of this paper , the theory of laser range and dds technology was introduced , the factors of influencing range precision were also analysed . at the same time , put forward in the paper , with using the fpga embedded technology , the wideband and high resolution sin modulating signals can be generated easily , then analysed the noise of the dds ; in the second part , the theory of phase measurement based on fft was analysed . in the phase range system , by using the fft operation , the resolution and sensibility of phase measurement can be enhanced ; then some circuits were designed and come true , also simulated and validated ; in last part , the improvement of the phase range system was brought forward , summarized and expected 论文首先阐述了激光测距和调制信号源的基本原理,分析了影响测距精度的因素,指出应用dds技术可以实现宽带、高精度的调制信号输出,说明了引起dds输出信号杂散的原因和解决的办法;同时分析了应用fft运算实现信号相位提取的基本原理及设计方法,采用这种检相技术,可以极大地提高测相精度与灵敏度;然后提出了基于fpga嵌入式系统的相位式激光测距机的整体设计,并就各部分进行了详细的分析与设计;接着介绍了激光测距系统的外围电路和基于quartusii集成软件平台的部分硬件电路的设计,并对其中的设计进行了仿真和验证;最后总结提出了对系统今后的进一步改进和完善的思路。