The harbour superintendency administration must inform the health and quarantine organ at the earliest possible time of the scheduled arrival date and time of the vessel at the quarantine anchorage 港务监督机关应当将船舶确定到达检疫锚地的日期和时间尽早通知卫生检疫机关。
Note : n0 . 1 pilotage and quarantine anchorage and the shelter anchorage are available for vessels of less than 500 gross tonnage or those approved by the competent authority ; n0 . 2 pilotage and quarantine anchorage is for all vessels ; tanker cargo - oil transferring anchorage is only for tankers carrying out oil transferring operations 注:烟台港第一引航检疫锚地和避风锚地供500总吨以下的船舶和经主管机关批准的船舶锚泊;第二引航检疫锚地供各类船舶锚泊;油轮过驳锚地限于过驳作业的油轮锚泊。