检疫: quarantine; quarantine inspe ...特许: special permission; concessi ...审批: examine and approve单: singular number fate; destin ...审批单位: examination and approval authority岗位调动审批单: dioc 1批单: endorsements审批: examine and approve 请你审批。 this is subject to your approval. 这份报告已经领导审批。 this report has been examined and approved by the leadership.; 审批程序 procedure for examination and approval; 审批机关 approving authority; 审批权限 the power of examination and approval; power to examine and approve; limits of examination and approval authority批单,背书: endorsement检疫: quarantine; quarantine inspection 实施检疫 perform quarantine; 通过检疫 pass a quarantine; 植物检疫 plant quarantine; 这项检疫措施现已取消。 the quarantine is now abolished. 据说对所有国外来的船舶都要进行检疫。 it is said that all ships coming from abroad should be performed quarantine.; 检疫报告 inspection report; 检疫船 lazaretto; lazarette; quarantine boat; 检疫费 sanitary fee; 检疫规章 quarantine regulations; 检疫范围 quarantine range; 检疫港 quarantine harbour; 检疫规定 quarantine regulations; inspection and quarantine regulations; 检疫锚地 quarantine anchorage; 检疫期 quarantine; 检疫申请书 quarantine declaration; 检疫许可证 pratique; 检疫 (官)员 quarantine officer; 检疫站[所] quarantine station; lazaretto; 检疫证明书 quarantine certificate; vaccination certificate; 检疫证书 bill of health; pratique特许: special permission; concession; franchise◇特许出口商品 goods exported under special license; 特许出口证 special permission export; 特许法人 chartered corporation;特许 [注册]工程师 chartered engineer; 特许公司 chartered company; 特许经销商 franchised dealer; 特许会计 chartered accountant; 特许人[机构] charterer; 特许税 franchise tax; 特许销售网 franchise distribution network; 特许银行 chartered bank; 特许证书 special permit; letters patent; 特许指令 privileged instruction免疫特异性: immunologic specificity; immunological specificity兔疫特惠: immunologically privileged site保险批单: endorsements; insurance endorsement打印批单否: is batch print批单方式: endorsement method免疫特惠部位: immunologic privileged site免疫特惠器官: immunologic privileged organ; immunologically privileged organ免疫特免肿瘤: immunologically privileged tumor免疫特殊部位: immunologically privileged sites延展承保批单: extended coverage endorsement核定,审批: approval审批权: befugnis f.zur überprüfung und genehmigung检疫,检疫期间: quarantine检疫检疫站: quarantine