

  • quarantine stopping
  • 检疫:    quarantine; quarantine inspe ...
  • 截留:    hold back; retain for one's ...
  • 截留:    1.(从中扣下) hold back; retain for one's own use 截留国家财政收入 hold back state revenue; retention of state revenue; 截留上交利润 retention of profits which ought to be turned over to the state; withholding profits that ought to be turned over to the state; retaining part of the taxes and profits that should go to the central government2.[水文] interception; entrapment
  • 检疫:    quarantine; quarantine inspection 实施检疫 perform quarantine; 通过检疫 pass a quarantine; 植物检疫 plant quarantine; 这项检疫措施现已取消。 the quarantine is now abolished. 据说对所有国外来的船舶都要进行检疫。 it is said that all ships coming from abroad should be performed quarantine.; 检疫报告 inspection report; 检疫船 lazaretto; lazarette; quarantine boat; 检疫费 sanitary fee; 检疫规章 quarantine regulations; 检疫范围 quarantine range; 检疫港 quarantine harbour; 检疫规定 quarantine regulations; inspection and quarantine regulations; 检疫锚地 quarantine anchorage; 检疫期 quarantine; 检疫申请书 quarantine declaration; 检疫许可证 pratique; 检疫 (官)员 quarantine officer; 检疫站[所] quarantine station; lazaretto; 检疫证明书 quarantine certificate; vaccination certificate; 检疫证书 bill of health; pratique
  • 捕集;截留:    trapping


        检疫:    quarantine; quarantine inspe ...
        截留:    hold back; retain for one's ...
        截留:    1.(从中扣下) hold back; retain for one's own use 截留国家财政收入 hold back state revenue; retention of state revenue; 截留上交利润 retention of profits which ought to be turned over to the state; withholding profits that ought to be turned over to the state; retaining part of the taxes and profits that should go to the central government2.[水文] interception; entrapment
        检疫:    quarantine; quarantine inspection 实施检疫 perform quarantine; 通过检疫 pass a quarantine; 植物检疫 plant quarantine; 这项检疫措施现已取消。 the quarantine is now abolished. 据说对所有国外来的船舶都要进行检疫。 it is said that all ships coming from abroad should be performed quarantine.; 检疫报告 inspection report; 检疫船 lazaretto; lazarette; quarantine boat; 检疫费 sanitary fee; 检疫规章 quarantine regulations; 检疫范围 quarantine range; 检疫港 quarantine harbour; 检疫规定 quarantine regulations; inspection and quarantine regulations; 检疫锚地 quarantine anchorage; 检疫期 quarantine; 检疫申请书 quarantine declaration; 检疫许可证 pratique; 检疫 (官)员 quarantine officer; 检疫站[所] quarantine station; lazaretto; 检疫证明书 quarantine certificate; vaccination certificate; 检疫证书 bill of health; pratique
        捕集;截留:    trapping
        截留,截取:    interception
        截留阀:    cutoff valvee
        截留基:    trapped radicals
        截留井:    catch basin; catch pit
        截留量:    interception
        截留酶:    entrapped enzyme; entropy flux
        截留液:    trapped fluid
        截留栅:    catch boom
        检疫,检疫期间:    quarantine
        检疫检疫站:    quarantine
        检疫组;检疫所:    quarantine
        部分截留率:    partial interception ratio
        降水截留量:    precipitation interception
        降雨截留:    rainfall interception
        截留的空气:    accidental air; entrapped air
        截留费制:    retainer system
        截留计;截雨计:    interceptometer
        截留空气:    entrapped air
        截留挪用:    lapping
        截留损失:    interception loss


  1. "检疫及淘汰"英文
  2. "检疫疾病"英文
  3. "检疫检验局"英文
  4. "检疫检疫所检疫站"英文
  5. "检疫检疫站"英文
  6. "检疫局"英文
  7. "检疫令"英文
  8. "检疫留验站"英文
  9. "检疫码头"英文
  10. "检疫锚泊地"英文


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