桨手: boatman身体: body的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...后倾: hypsokinesis; retrodisplacem ...【拳击】向对手身体的打击。: body blow器官的后倾: retroversion身体的: bobily; bodily; corpcral; corporal; material; physical a. of a concerning the body; somatic - nonphysical身体的,肉体的: corporal身体的;躯体的: somal头位于对手身体中部: head to the center朝向身体的: medial身体的;体力上: physical身体的安置: body positioning身体的结构: the mechanism of the body身体的器官: organs of the body身体的伤害: infliction of body身体的位置: body position身体的需要: bodily needs eg food warmth身体的约束: physical restraint身体的知觉: bodily sensations身体的中线: medial; midline of body我们身体的: physical figures有害身体的: unwholesome桨手: boatman◇桨手座 thwart侧面;身体的两侧: flank