- bridge bond
- 桥梁: bridge; approach
- 债券: bond; debenture; debenture s ...
- 桥梁: bridge; approach 起桥梁作用 play the role of a bridge; serve as a link; 桥梁板梁 bridge girder; 桥梁部队 bridge unit; 桥梁工程 bridgework; 桥梁工程队 bridgegang; 桥梁工事 bridge work; 桥梁构架 bridge framework;桥梁架设 bridge erection; 桥梁结构 bridge structure; 桥梁跨度 bridge span; 桥梁设计 bridge design; 桥梁支撑 bridge bracing; 桥梁支座 bridge pad; pedestal
- 债券: bond; debenture; debenture share; debenture certificate 短期债券 short-term liabilities; 特种债券 special bonds; 偿还今年到期的债券 redeem bonds for payment in this year; 他们热心购买政府债券。 they are eager to buy their government bonds. 我把钱用于买债券。 my money is invested in debentures.; 债券持票人 bondholder; debenture holder; 债券持有者 bondholder; bond holder; 债券发行人 floater; 债券发行市场 bond floatation market; 债券费用 bond expenses; 债券基金 bond fund; 债券利息 bond interest; 债券市场 bond market; 债券收益 bond yield; 债券投资 bond investment; 债券投资人 creditor investor; 债券投资信托 bond investment trust; 债券息票 bond coupons; 债券溢价 bond premium; 债券债务 bonded debts; 债券折扣 discount on bonds; 债券折价 bond discount
- 前桥梁: front axle beam