William maugridge, joiner, but a most exquisite mechanic, and a solid, sensible man . 威廉莫格里奇,细木工人,一个技艺极其精巧的工匠,心地实在,头脑清楚。
They asked me to share some of my experiences 我跟他们说:上次我拜访马格里奇。
She was a common friend to both of us , so thats how malcolm muggeridge and i became acquainted 我也认识德兰修女,于是我就认识了马格里奇。
William maugridge , joiner , but a most exquisite mechanic , and a solid , sensible man 威廉?莫格里奇,细木工人,一个技艺极其精巧的工匠,心地实在,头脑清楚。
Then malcolm said , " you know , hes been gone a few years now , but the last time bishop sheen visited me here he looked at me and he said , malcolm , christendom is dead 他说:他去世好几年了。但他在这儿最后一次看著我时,他说:马格里奇,基督教国家已死。