Thomas gravesen might have suited perfectly for this role if only a talented spaniard wasn ' t landing at liverpool to take over the “ responsibility ” for the toffees 格拉维森本来可能非常合适这一角色,如果才华横溢的西班牙人没有来到利物浦承接下他的“责任” 。
The madrid coach wanderley luxemburgo said afterwards that he had not seen beckham ' s actions but he sounded distinctly unimpressed with his midfielder : " i was n ' t standing next to beckham at the time , so i do n ' t know what he did , " he said 在本场比赛中,伊贝内兹在比赛的第82分钟还红牌罚下了皇马中场球员丹麦人格拉维森。让人惊讶的是,格拉维森也是从英超转会来到西班牙的球员。
We are already without julio baptista and now we have lost beckham and gravesen because of red cards . beckham declined to discuss the matter after the game but gravesen was unrepentant . " it was a counter - attack and i had to take him down , " the denmark international said 赛后贝克汉姆拒绝就红牌一事接受采访,不过格拉维森倒是有什么说什么: “对方当时是一次反击,我没办法只能从背后把对方球员放倒。