Security ought to be bee . . . good morning dr . gransworth 安全问题应该…早上好,格兰斯沃博士
One day , artaban s old friend taiglance comes to visit artaban with his daughter michelle . they tell artaban that his father has passed away 一日,昔日亲友泰格兰斯携女米雪尔来访,告知其父已死。
He invested the adi granth ( or granth sahib ) as the immortal guru of the sikhs and also compiled his writings in the dasam granth 他授予《阿第格兰斯》 (或称为《本初经》 )为锡克教不朽的古鲁,也把他的著作编纂入《第十经》里去。
Glantz ' s campaign for smoke - free movies tried to place an advertisement in daily variety objecting to sissy spacek ' s smoking and a prominent pack of marlboros in the film , in the bedroom . variety rejected the ad , saying it unfairly singled out one movie . and the director said smoking was necessary for spacek ' s character 但是每日花样拒绝了格兰斯教授的这一要求,认为这样点名道姓地批评某一部影片是不公平的,而且这部影片的导演也自有说辞,认为吸烟能够体现片中斯派克所扮演的角色的性格。
Billy bob thornton ' s co - star in the man who was n ' t there said all thornton ' s character does on screen is smoke and breathe . stan glantz , a professor at the university of california - san francisco , who studied movie smoking from the 1960s to 2000 , said the lead characters in films are four times more likely to smoke than real people 加州大学旧金山分校的教授斯坦格兰斯在研究了20世纪60年代到2000年电影中的吸烟镜头之后说,在这些电影中,所有主要角色中烟民的比例是现实生活中烟民比例的4倍。