

发音:   用"根据情节轻重"造句
  • in accordance with the seriousness of the case


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Article 38 employees of a representative office being with direct responsibility for activities violating these rules shall be imposed by circ with a disciplinary warning and / or a fine below rmb 5000 yuan , according to the seriousness of the cases
  2. Article 172 where the manager , the restructure executor , the bankruptcy assignee or the supervisor causes economic damage to the creditor , the debtor or a third person because of negligence of duties or other illegal
  3. Where a civil servant has any violation of the provisions in the preceding paragraph after resignation or retirement , the administrative department of civil servants at the same level as the original organ he works for shall order him to make corrections within a prescribed time limit ; where he fails to make corrections , the administration for industry and commerce above the county level shall confiscate the illegal proceedings generated from his business , order the entity concerned to dismiss him , and impose on the receiving entity a fine of one to five times of that as imposed on the person according to the seriousness of circumstances
  4. Disciplinary actions shall be imposed on those customs personnel who abuse their power and intentionally create difficulties or procrastinate the control and examination ; disciplinary or legal actions shall be taken on those who practice graft , neglect their duties or indulge in smuggling , depending on the seriousness of the case


        根据:    on the basis of; according t ...
        情节:    plot; story
        轻重:    weight
        根据情况的:    circumstantial
        根据情理:    as reason was
        包 根据情况选择不翻译:    bag
        集合 根据情况选择不翻译:    set
        连接列 根据情况选择不翻译:    join column
        列表 根据情况选择不翻译:    list
        轻重:    1.(重量大小) weight 轻重相等 equal in weight;2.(程度的深浅;事情的主次)degree of seriousness;relative importance 无足轻重 be of little moment; a matter of no consequence3.(适当的程度) propriety 做事不知轻重 not know the proper way to act
        情节:    1.(内容) plot; story 动人的情节 fascinating story; 过分渲染情节的闹剧 a lurid melodrama; 几乎没有什么情节的小说 a novel almost without plot; 情节紧凑 a tightknit plot; 情节曲折。 the details are intricate. 这出戏情节平淡。 the play lacks movement.2.(事实经过) details of a case; circumstances 情节相同 with similar details; 他的错误情节严重。 his error is of a serious nature
        调节轻瘫:    paresis of accommodation
        两节轻气炮:    two-stage light gas guns
        据情办理:    do judging by the circumstances
        根据:    1.(依据; 按照) on the basis of; according to; in the light of; in line [accordance] with; based on; (as) per 根据法院命令出售 sale by authority of law; 根据过去销售出价 offer subject to prior sale; 根据情节轻重 in accordance with the seriousness of the case; 根据书面证据作出判决 decide in the basis of documentary evidence; 根据书面证据作出仲裁裁决 decide (a case of arbitration) on the basis of the relevant documents; 根据提单所列重量收取运费 chargeable weight2.(作为根据的事物) basis; grounds; foundation; reason; bottom 历史根据 historical foundation; 没有充分的根据 without adequate foundation; 这些指责没有根据。 there is no foundation for the charges. 说话要有根据。 statement should be made on the basis of fact. 你这样看的根据是什么? what is the basis of [for] your opinion? 我的理论是以可靠的事实作为根据的。 my theory is established on the solid basis of facts
        净轻重:    net dry weight
        轻重4:    heavy and light
        轻重量:    low wt./low weight/light weight
        核数据情报处:    ndu nuclear data unit
        情节剧:    corn; meloddrama; melodrama
        情节片:    feature
        情节舞:    pas d'actio
        情节严重, 加重的情节:    circumstances of aggravation
        按轻重缓急:    to prioritize
        不知轻重:    have no appreciation of a thing's importance


  1. "根据起因将事故分类"英文
  2. "根据契约发生的请求权"英文
  3. "根据契约进行生产的农场"英文
  4. "根据侵权行为的诉讼"英文
  5. "根据倾斜原则"英文
  6. "根据情况的"英文
  7. "根据情理"英文
  8. "根据权利"英文
  9. "根据燃料计算"英文
  10. "根据任意买卖契约所定的牌价(交易所用语)"英文


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