核废料处理: nuclear waste disposal核废料桶: cask倾弃核废料: dumping of nuclear waste有害核废料: hazardous nuclear waste核废料搬运船: spent fuel carrier; spentfuelcarriern =nuclear 核的:n-waste 核废料。: n核废料处理中心: disposal center倾弃核废料的做法: nuclear-waste dumping practices俄罗斯关于进口核废料的提案: a russian proposal to import nuclear waste易碎核废料模壳张裂强度试验方法: standard test method for splitting tensile strength for brittle nuclear waste forms德国核废料处理设备制造及经营有限公司: dbe deutsche gesellschuft zum bau und bettieb von englagern fuer abfallstoffe mbh; deutsche gesellschaft zum bau und betrieb von endlagern fuer abfallstoffe mbh核废物: nuclear waste; nuclear weapon废料: waste; wastage; rubbish; garbage; waste material; rough; abatement; trash; rubble; mullock; scrap 工厂的废料 the waste from a factory; 把地上的废料耙在一起。 rake up the trash on the ground核废弃物: nuclear waste核废物处置: nuclear waste disposal核废物管理: nuclear waste management核废物锅炉: nuclear waste boiler报废;废料: scrap粗废料: coarse waste毒废料: toxic waste; toxicwaste废料,垃岌: raff废料,残渣: residue废料,废车: junk废料,废屑: refuse核飞机: nuclear aircraft; nuclear airplane核飞船: nuclear vehicle