- nuclear stalemate
- 核对: check; collate; verify; coll ...
- 峙: tower; stand erect
- 对峙: (相对而立; 相持不下) stand facing each other; confront each other; stand opposite each other; be at a stalemate 武装对峙 military confrontation; 两山对峙。 the two mountains stand facing each other. 战斗形成对峙局面。 the fight resulted in a stalemate. 两军正在对峙。 the two armies are facing out. 两军对峙。 the two armies are locked in a face-off
- 核对: check; collate; verify; collating; verification; verifying; checking 核对事实 check the facts; 核对数字 check figures; 核对帐单 check a bill; 核对员 verifier; 核对帐目 verification of account
- eyeball相互对峙: eyeball to