The irradiation experimental results show that the resolution of thin detector e1 is higher than that of other thick detectors for ex - particles and protons detection . energy calibration for a - particles was completed with multiplication factor 1 / 3 . energy calibrations of a - particles in detector e1 and e1 , are 0 . 107 mev and 0 . 123 mev per channel , respectively 质子能量刻度采用1档,每道能量h约在0 . 0167mev道,但是在e _ 1探测器中的能量刻度随着能量的增加略有所下降,这是由于高能质子伴随有较多的核反应道对粒子探测产生了干扰,从而增加了在e _ 1探测器中的能量沉积道数,使得每道能量略有所下降,另一个因素可能是探测器厚度的不均匀性的影响,但这并不影响对粒子的鉴别。