This exception is thrown during the verification stage of the linking phase of class loading 这个异常是在类别载入的连结阶段的校验过程中抛出。
If the service request cannot pass the validation process , the service requester understands that the service provider makes updates in the provided services 如果服务请求者不能够通过校验过程,服务请求者就会知道服务请求者升级了所提供的服务。
A plain validator ( non fieldvalidator ) that gets short - circuited will completely break out of the validation stack - no other validators will be evaluated and plain validator takes precedence over field validator meaning that they get evaluated in the order they are defined before field validator gets a chance to be evaludated again according to their order defined 一个普通校验器(非字段校验器)如果被短路会完全打短校验过程,没有其他校验器会被执行,而普通校验器优先于字段校验器意味着普通校验器会按照它们定义的顺序被执行,会在字段校验器按照它们定义的顺序执行之前被执行