Clyde looked out through the heavily barred windows on the dull square . 克莱德倚着栏栅很密的窗口望着外面单调异常的广场。
That way being thus cleared, and the bars of virtue and conscience thus removed, we had less difficulty afterwards to struggle with . 那条路既然这样开拓了,道德与良心的栏栅也这样搬开了,我们此后所要克服斗争的困难就少多了。
Fences - specification for wooden post and rail fences 栏栅.木柱和铁杆栏栅规范
Some wire fences can be dangerous for young goats 有些电线栏栅对小山羊是有危害的。
Antennas are fixed to the rails of the balcony 露台的栏栅安装了多具天线。