标: Rockwell A scale间: space in between; opening比率: ratio时间比率: time ratio柱子间比率: intercolumniation保留时间比率: retention time ratio故障时间比率: downtime ratio可变时间比率: variable time scale时间比率调制: trm time ratio modulation停机时间比率: downtime ratio标间: deluxe standard room; single射血前期与左室射血时间比率: ratio of preejection period to left ventricular ejection time双标间: standard标间变迁: mark-to-space transition标间乘法器: mark-space multiplier测标间距: measured mile; trial range测标间距离: trial range测速标间距: measured mile垂标间距: length between perpen- diculars (lbp)豪华标间: deluxe cabin; deluxe standard cabin; super standard twin商务标间: business room行政标间: executive room阳台标间: veranda twin cabin空间比: spacing ratio时间比: time ratio; timeratio