标本: specimen; sample; muter; rep ...组织: organization; organized syst ...块: piece; lump; chunk组织块: block of tissue; mass; paraffin block矿物标本组: cabinet组织块加湿器: paraffin block humidifier基本组织: elementary tissue; fundamental tissue; ground tissue; ground-tissue; primary ti ue; primary tissue; standard weave基本组织系: fundamental tissue system基本组织学: general histology日本组织: organizations based in japan基本组织系统: fundamental tissue system组织块血浆固定培养: plasma colt explant culture组织块血浆固定培养法: plasma clot explant culture熟练程度评估标本组: proficiency panel活组织标本: living tissue specimen组织学标本: histologic specimen; histological specimen本组: hss; l68不复为本组织主管对象: cease to be the concern of the organization标本: 1.(实物的原样) specimen; sample; muter; representative 昆虫标本 insect specimen2.[中医] the root cause and symptoms of a disease (致病的原因为本, 其所反映的证候为标) 标本同治 treat a disease by looking into both its root cause and symptoms; 标本虫 [动物学] spider beetle; 标本盒 riker mount; 标本集 herbarium; 标本兼治 treating both principal and secondary aspect of disease; 标本论治 treating principal or secondary aspect of disease; 标本制存法 entomotaxy (昆虫) 一般术语和基本组织的定义: textileswoven fabricsdefinitions of general terms and basic weavesaves标本处理器械,组织标本制作器械: sample processing apparatus结膜活组织检查标本: conjunctival biopsy specimen双轴向组织检查用标本缸: specimen bath for biaxial tissue testing组织标本制作器械包: histological specimen making instruments set岸本组: kishimoto-gumi