Description of a key needs dependability . 标志的描述需要可靠。
I rated somewhat lower the wisdom evidenced by such degrees . 我并不把这些学位所标志的才能看得那么高。
The effect of diffusion of soil removal was demonstrated with polyester film and radio-tagged stearic acid . 污垢去除中的扩散效应,是用聚酯薄膜和放射性标志的硬脂酸来进行测试的。
"so you're goin' to marry antonia dennant?" said a voice on his right, with that easy coarseness which is a mark of caste . “原来你就要跟安东妮亚丹南特结婚啦?”他右边的一个声音说,音调中夹杂着已经成为阶级标志的一种脱口而出的粗俗意味。
This property returns a combination of flags from the 枚举返回若干标志的组合。