In visual basic 2005 , pixels are the standard unit of measurement ; there is no longer any need for conversion 在visual basic 2005中,像素是标准度量单位;不再需要任何转换。
Any of various instruments for comparing a measured property of an object , such as its shape , color , or brightness , with a standard 精密度测量器一种仪器,用于比较物体的可度量性质,例如按标准度量它的形状、颜色或亮度
Properties of the screen object are used to convert screen measurements from a logical twip the standard unit of measurement in visual basic 6 . 0 to pixels 属性用于将屏幕度量从逻辑缇( visual basic 6 . 0中的标准度量单位)转换为像素。
The person who constructs the system relies on their intuition and experience to choose the tolerance of a certain static to measure anomaly detection 当前,建造一个有效的入侵检测系统是个巨大的知识工程。系统构造员依赖他们直觉和经验选择某种统计标准度量异常检测。
For the users of tpl , they use what criteria to make policy decision of making and buying logistics . once they make decision to buy logistics service , it is crucial to how to choose suitable tpl 对于第三方物流服务的使用者来说,用怎样的标准度量从而作出自营和购买物流决策,且一旦决定购买第三方物流服务后如何选择第三方物流供应商最为重要。