You can also use it as any standard function 还可以将此函数用作任意标准函数。
Control for the system with pure time delay based on standard itae optimum function 标准函数的纯滞后系统控制
Instruction or using parenthesized arguments , as with some of the examples in this article that use standard functions 指令或者以带括号的参数方式来调用它们,正如本文中一些使用标准函数的例子。
Use session user with default constraints in either the create table or alter table statements , or use it as any standard function Session _ user可在create table或alter table语句中与default约束一起使用,或者将它用作任何标准函数。
标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...函数: function标准函数名: standard function name标准函数替换: substitution of standard function进退标准函数: further standard function标准函数表示法: standard function notationslice标准函数只允许作为打开数组参数: slice standard function o-nly allowed as open array argument; slice standard function only allowed as open array argumenttypeinfo标准函数要求类型标识符: typeinfo standard function expects a dentifierc标准函式库: c standard library校准函数或校准曲线: universal calibration function or curve标准罚函数: standard penalty function批准函: approval letter标准输出函数: standard-output function标准输入函数: standard-input function标准数学函数: standard mathematical function标准正交函数: orthonormal function不可批准函: not approvable letters可批准函: approvable letters标准常态密度函数: standard normal density function标准发光度函数: standard luminosity function标准分布滞后函数: standard distributed lag function标准化自相关函数: normalized autocorrelation function标准摩尔焓函数: standard molar enthalpy function标准吉布斯函数增加: standard gibbs function increase标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数: standard gibbs function of molar reaction; standardgi functionofmolarreaction