标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...会计: accounting; accountancy准则: norm; standard; criterion; r ...会计标准,会计准则: accounting standard会计准则;会计标准: accounting standard会计准则: accounting criterion; accounting postulates; accounting principle; accounting standards; standard accounting practice财务会计准则: financialaccountingstandards成本会计准则: cost accounting sttandard公认会计准则: gaap; generally accepted accounting practice; generally accepted accounting principles国际会计准则: iass; international accounting standards (ias); international accounting standards(ias); international financial reporting standards; internationale rechnungsnormen pl./internationale buchhaltungsstandards pl.i国遂会计准则: internal accounting standard会计准则讲解: explain of accounting standard企业会计准则: accounting criteria for enterprises全球会计准则: global accounting standards通用会计准则: gaageneral accepted accounting principles中国会计准则: chinese accounting standards标准会计实务: s standard accounting practice财务会计准则汇编: statement of financial accounting standards财务会计准则声明: statement of financial accounting standards成本会计准则声明: statement of costs accounting standards国际会计准则1: international accounting standard 1 disclosure of accounting policies国际会计准则4: international accounting standard 4 depreciation accounting国际会计准则5: international accounting standard 5: information to be disclosed in financial statements国际会计准则来源: ias会计准则的协调: coordination of accounting standards