We have wetting only everywhere along the column . 整个柱体都处于被湿润状态。
Empirical equations are frequently used for column designing . 通常设计柱体采用经验公式。
The column is sectioned into discs with a sterile knife to permit examination and transfer of colonies . 用无菌刀将柱体切成薄饼进行观察和进行菌落的移植。
Various cases for a hollow cylinder can be treated in exactly the same manner but with a little involved algebra . 关于空心柱体的各种情况,可以用完全相同的方式加以处理,不过代数计算上稍为麻烦一些而已。
Special type decorative stone . part 3 : solid shaft 异型装饰石材第3部分:实心柱体