柬埔寨: Kampuchea重建: rebuild; reconstruct; reesta ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...柬埔寨重建国际委员会: international committee on the reconstruction of cambodia重建委员会: icorc柬埔寨重建国际会议: international conference on the reconstruction of cambodia发展和重建委员会: council for development and reconstruction国家重建委员会: committee for national reconstruction重建委员会的声誉: rebuilding the commission‘s reputation重建柬埔寨问题国际委员会: international committee on the reconstruction of cambodia柬埔寨媒体委员会: cambodian media committee柬埔寨投资委员会: cambodia investment board柬埔寨问题委员会: committee on kampuchea声援柬埔寨委员会: support kampuchea committee南黎巴嫩重建委员会: reconstruction committee of southern lebanon保卫柬埔寨和平委员会: comite pour la defense de la paix au kampuchea柬埔寨全国最高委员会: supreme national council of cambodia柬埔寨问题特设委员会: ad hoc committee on kampuchea; hoc committee on kampuchea柬埔寨全国最高委员会最高委员会: supremenationalcouncilofcambodia巴勒斯坦经济开发与重建委员会: palestinian economic council for development and reconstruction保卫下柬埔寨高棉族委员会: committee for defending the khmer nationality in lower kampuchea非政府组织柬埔寨问题协调委员会: ngo coordination committee for cambodia古巴声援越南柬埔寨和老挝委员会: comite cubano de solidaridad con vietnam cambodia y laos; cuban committee in solidarity with viet nam cambodia and laos柬埔寨问题巴黎会议协调委员会: coordinating committee of the paris conference on cambodia柬埔寨问题国际会议特设委员会: hoc committee of the conference on combodia