

发音:   用"查看地图"造句


  1. I drove back to the town and began to retrace the route, taking frequent glances at the map .
  2. He consulted the map to find the shortest route
  3. He studied the map to find the shortest way to the beach
  4. Check the map to see if friendly forces are where you ' re looking
  5. They think it is just a matter of looking at maps carefully and remembering all the names of cities and provinces


        查看:    look over; examine; check; l ...
        地图:    map
        看地图:    i look at the map; view map
        查看地板:    explore on the floor
        扑在桌上看地图:    bend over a map on the desk
        查看:    look over; examine; check; look up; make sure; have a look; look deeper; look into; see; see about; [古词] beat over 查看水情 look into the water [flood] situation; 查看帐目 examine the accounts; 如果某人不善于详细查看事物, 仅限于用一事物去和另一事物对比、解释的话, 就让他去见识见识律师怎么办案子。 if he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyer's cases
        难看地:    uglily
        查看服务器当前地图剩余时间:    say timeleft
        察看地形:    survey the terrain
        瞬间看地球:    earth live; earthtv
        瞬看地球:    earthtv
        外观好看地:    speciously
        地图:    map 市区地图 city map; 世界地图 world map; a map of the world; 折叠式地图 folding map; 最新地图 up-to-the-minute map; 按缩小比例绘制的地图 the map on a reduced scale; 查看地图 consult a map; 绘制地图 draw a map; 卷起地图 roll up a map; 把它从地图上找出来。 look it out in the map.; 地图比例尺 map scale; 地图编绘 map compilation; 地图编制 map making; 地图表示法 cartographical representation; 地图册[集] atlas; 地图测绘雷达 mapping radar; 地图定位程序 map-control; 地图翻版法 map photomechanical copying; 地图符号 map symbol; 地图更新 map revision; 地图绘制仪 chorograph; 地图精度 accuracy of a map; 地图刻图 map scribing; 地图量算 map measurement; 地图判读 map interpretation; 地图清绘 map delineation; 地图数字化 map digitising; 地图缩微阅读器 map-microfilm reader; 地图投影 [图] map projection; projection; 地图投影学 cartographical projection; 地图投影仪 map projector; 地图镶嵌 map montage; 地图学 cartography; 地图样本 map specimen; 地图页[图幅] map sheet; 地图印刷 map printing; 地图印制设备 map reproduction equipment; 地图语言 map language; 地图纸 map paper; 地图制版 map plate making; 地图制图学 map cartography; 地图字体表 letter-type table of maps
        查看,检查:    look over
        查看;监视:    watch over
        查看器:    panorado viewer; report viewer; viewer
        检查,查看:    check out; inspect
        快查看:    on terms of
        类查看:    class view
        日查看:    date view
        视图;查看:    view
        月查看:    month view
        周查看:    week view
        帮助查看器:    helviewer
        表单查看:    form view


  1. "查看窗口的"英文
  2. "查看磁盘属性"英文
  3. "查看从属格线"英文
  4. "查看当前用什么用户登陆的"英文
  5. "查看地板"英文
  6. "查看服务器当前地图剩余时间"英文
  7. "查看服务器当前时间"英文
  8. "查看更多商品"英文
  9. "查看工厂制度"英文
  10. "查看工资记录"英文


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