染色: dye; dyeing; colouration; ti ...牢度: fastness试验: experiment; test; trial器: implement; utensil; ware染色牢度试验: color fastness testing耐烟熏色牢度试验: gas fume fastness testing色牢度试验项目: colour fastness tests耐晒牢度试验器: fadeometer汗复合色牢度试验方法: textilestesting method for complex colour fastness to lightperspirationion染色牢度: colour fasteness染色牢度测试: colorfatness to染色牢度评级: assessments of fastness磨擦染色坚牢度试验机: dyeing rubbing tester纺织品耐大气中臭氧色牢度试验方法: textiles test for colour fastness to ozone in the atmospheree纺织品耐热空气硫化色牢度试验方法: textiles test for colour fastness to vulcanizing:hot airr纺织品耐刷洗色牢度试验方法: textiles testing method for colour fastness to wet scrubbingg; textiles - testing method for colour fastness to wet scrubbing纺织品耐烟熏色牢度试验方法: textiles test for colour fastness to burnt gas fumess纺织品耐氧化氮色牢度试验方法: textiles test for colour fastness to nitrogen oxidess纺织品耐一氯化硫色牢度试验方法: textiles test for colour fastness to vulcanizing:sulphur monochloridee纺织品耐直接蒸汽硫化色牢度试验方法: textiles test for colour fastness to vulcanizing:open steamm纺织品综合色牢度试验方法: textilestesting method of comprehensive colour fastnessss坚牢度试验: fastness test硬度试验器: dia testor; diatestor; hardness tester纺织品耐家庭和商业洗涤色牢度试验方法: textiles testing method for colour fastness to domestic and commercial launderingg; textiles - testing method for colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering纺织品耐染浴中金属铬盐色牢度试验方法: textiles--testing method for colour fastness to metals in the dye-bath: chromium salts; textilestesting method for colour fastness to metals in the dyebath:chromium saltsalts