Effect of phytohormone on chromosome polyploidization and haploidization of callus of vicia faba 植物激素对蚕豆胚轴愈伤组织染色体加倍和减倍的影响
Doubling efficiencies of the application dimethylsurfoxide in colchicines to treat haploids in tobacco nicotiana tabacum 对烟草单倍体植株的染色体加倍效应
This result mean that the fish obtained by the above technique treatments is real diploid mito - gynogenetic grass carp 说明这些草鱼是经过染色体加倍所得的、完全真实的雌核发育二倍体草鱼。
Allopolyploidy a type of polyploidy involving the combination of chromosomes from two or more different species 异源多倍体:两种或两个以上的不相同的物种杂交,杂种经染色体加倍形成的多倍体类型。
Allopolyploids usually arise from the doubling of chromosomes of a hybrid between species , the doubling often making the hybrid fertile 异源多倍体通常由不同种的二倍体染色体组结合后加倍形成,染色体加倍后通常是可育的。