

发音:   用"柏油路面"造句
  • black top
  • tar-coated pipe


  1. Means : “ our car would struggle on any type of circuit made up of a tarmac road surface laid out with straights and corners
    意思是: “我们的赛车在任何由直道和弯角组成的柏油路面的赛道上都会很挣扎。 ”
  2. Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square and across the level sea of asphalt , where broadway and fifth avenue flow together
  3. Also used when exiting the driver ' s pit position , allowing wheelspin , which deposits rubber on the tarmac , providing more grip during pit stops
  4. I took some pictures of a few rocks at the door , the twisted and damaged asphalt - paved road , and the makeshift house , in front of which were rocks of different sizes . i also recorded the traces of the 90 - degree - swerve made by the mudslide as evidence of the miracle


        柏油路:    asphalt road
        :    face
        柏油路面磨耗层:    tar carpet
        柏油路:    asphalt road; bituminous macadam; blacktop; oil mat road; pavement; pitchy road; tar red road; tar-coated road; tarred road
        柏油路材料:    tar macadam; tarmacadam
        城市柏油路:    asphalt street
        沥青, 柏油路:    blacktop
        沥青柏油路:    asphalt road
        沥青路;柏油路:    tarmac road
        渣油路面:    residual oil pavement; residue oil pavement
        标准柏油路横断面:    typical cross-section of a bituminous road
        柏油碎石路面:    tar macadam pavement; tar-macadam pavement
        柏油铺路面切断机:    a halt cutter; asphalt cutter
        油路:    channel for oiling; fuel line; hydraulic circuit; oil circuit; oil conduit; oil line; oil passage way; oil road; oil way =oilway; oil-circuit; oilline; passage
        柏油:    pitch; tar; asphalt; mineral pitch; asphatum; chian◇柏油丛林 asphalt jungle; 柏油混凝土 tar concrete; 柏油路 asphalt road; 柏油喷洒机 tar sprayer; 柏油铺面道路 tar coated road; 柏油碎石 tarmacadam; 柏油碎石道路 tarmac; tarmacadam; 柏油修整机 tar-finisher
        路面:    road surface; pavement; roadbed◇路面板 road deck; roadway slab; 路面标高 grade elevation; 路面标线 pavement strip; 路面标志 pavement marker; 路面侧坡 bank line; 路面层 supercrust; 路面车道划线 pavement striping; 路面底层 [土] subcrust; 路面底基 ground subsoil; 路面垫层 bed course; 路面划线机 road line machine; road marker; 路面基础 road bed; 路面交通标线 traffic stripe; 路面开裂 pavement cracking; 路面排水 road surface drainage; 路面全宽 full-surfaced width ;路面衰坏 pavement deterioration; 路面水毁 flood damage (pavement); 路面修补 pavement patching; 路面养生 pavement curing; 路面整修机 road-finishing machine; 路面质量测量仪器 pavement quality measuring instrument; 路面主体 pavement proper; 路面状况 pavement behavior
        出油路:    vent line
        电路,油路:    circuit
        回油路:    oil gallery
        进油路:    inlet oil line
        油路块:    manifold block
        渣油路:    residual oil road
        主油路:    main feed
        柏油,焦:    tar
        柏油,沥青:    asphalt (asphaltum)


  1. "柏油浸制的"英文
  2. "柏油浸渍"英文
  3. "柏油矿渣"英文
  4. "柏油路"英文
  5. "柏油路材料"英文
  6. "柏油路面磨耗层"英文
  7. "柏油麻布"英文
  8. "柏油麻绳"英文
  9. "柏油麻绳止水"英文
  10. "柏油马路"英文


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