枯萎: wilt的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...萎蔫: wilting; flaccid萎蔫的: flabby; languid; wilted枯萎的: blasted; deustate; deustous; faded; sapless; sear; wizened萎蔫的葡萄: wilted grape s很快枯萎的: fugacious会枯萎的: perishable枯萎的;干瘪的: wizened枯萎的过程: blastment枯萎的花瓣: withered petals一棵枯萎的树: a withered tree和逐渐枯萎的玫瑰: and a rose that is fading枯萎的时期或状况: sere怀着漫游的渴望和枯萎的笑容: with itchy feet and fading smiles枯萎的叶子堆积在我的脚边: the withered leaves collect at my feet萎蔫: [植物学] wilting; flaccid◇萎蔫病 wilt disease枯萎: withered; droop◇枯萎病 [植病] droop; wilt; blight发蔫的: limp 2凋萎的: blighting衰萎的: overripe阳萎的: impotent穗萎蔫: head drying萎蔫病: soil rot; wilt disease萎蔫点: wilted point; wilting point