枝: branch; twig手: hand久: for a long time; long岛: island; isle久岛: hisashima; kushima; kyushima枝手目: dendrochirota多久岛: takushima矢久岛: yakushima屋久岛: yakushima宇久岛: uku-jima; ukushima佐久岛: sakushima修枝手锯: pruning saw屋久岛海峡: yakushima kaikyo; yakushima-kaikyo枝是空中的根: roots are the branches down in the earth. branches are roots in the air枝术的: technical枝石蛾科: calamoceratidae枝树科: koeberliniaceae; oliniaceae枝盛叶茂: luxuriant in branches and leaves; a mess of branches and leaves枝顺序性: succession of shoots枝生叶: branch leaf枝丝菌素: mycothricin枝生同株的: cladautoicous