果: fruit阿果果: agogo草莓果果: uuoo结果果园: fruit setting garden; mature orchard萍果果馅: fruit filling apple水果果实: fruit果果太阳酒店: lugogo sun含籽的水水果果心: core the hard or solid central part containing the seeds of certain fruits , such as the apple 芒果果肉液标准: standard for liquid pulpy mango products preserved exclusively by physical means苹果果胶抽出物: apple pectin extract辐照干果果脯类卫生标准: hygeinic standard for irradiated dried nuts and preserved fruits快做你拿手的苹果果派吧: get busy with your famous apple pie柑橘类水果果皮内侧的白皮层: albedo果关系: cause effect relationshipp果汗饮料: fruit drink; fruit juice beverage果沟藻属: carpodinium果核: kernel; pit; nutlet◇果核分离机 fruit stone extractor; 果核压碎机 nutcracker果公司: apple inc果核 看到花就有果: kernel果梗: carpopodium; pedicel; twig果核儿: putamen; stone果鸽亚科: treroninae