

发音:   用"果实收获"造句


        果实:    fruit; fructification
        收获:    gather in the crops; harvest ...
        果实抖落收获法:    oscillating harvesting
        已收获的孳息,实收孳息:    fructu ercepti; fructus percepti
        实收:    collect; official receipts
        果实:    1.(果子; 被子植物的具有果皮及种子的器官) fruit; fructification 果实累累 fruit growing in close clusters; fruit hanging heavy on the trees; 摘下树上的果实 strip the fruit from trees; 成熟的果实压弯了树枝。 the branches bent low with ripened fruits.2.(通过劳动或斗争所取得的成果) gains; fruits 劳动果实 fruits of labour; 我们保卫了我们的胜利果实。 we have defended the fruits of our victory.; 果实成熟期 fructescence; 果实含糖量 sugar content of fruit; 果实品质 fruit quality
        收获:    1.(取得成熟的农作物) gather in the crops; harvest; reap 在葡萄收获季节 at the grape harvest; 收获期间下雨了。 it rained during the harvest.2.(比喻心得、战果等) results; gains 一次很有收获的访问。 a most rewarding visit; 她的努力很有收获。 her efforts have been fruitfull.; her efforts have yielded good results.; 收获机 harvester; 收获量 harvest yield; yield; 收获率 yield rate; 收获面积 harvest area; 收获期[季节] harvest time; 收获物 cutting
        实收额:    collected
        实收率:    casting yield; extraction yield
        实收益:    real earnings
        不真实收益:    distorted income
        对元实收腹:    bicycle
        年实收款项:    collected in 198x 198x
        实收保险:    paid-up insurance
        实收保险费:    earned premium; premium earned
        实收股本:    authorized capital stock; capital stock paid in; paid up capital; paid-up capital; paid-ustock
        实收股份:    paid-in share
        实收股利:    dividends received; dividendsreceived
        实收基础:    receipts basis; receiptsbasis
        实收款项:    proceeds of sale
        实收率误差:    yield error
        实收数量:    actual quantity received
        实收薪金:    take-home pay
        实收资本:    called ucapital; capital stock paid up; capital stock paid-up; issued capital stock; paicl-up capital; paid in capital; paid in investment; paid-in capital; paid-up capital
        未实收利润:    unrealized profit


  1. "果实品质"英文
  2. "果实取籽机"英文
  3. "果实全裸的"英文
  4. "果实软化"英文
  5. "果实蛇床子"英文
  6. "果实蔬菜"英文
  7. "果实酸牛奶"英文
  8. "果实围径"英文
  9. "果实狭隔的"英文
  10. "果实纤维"英文


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