林立的: bristly; serried林立峰: lin lifeng林立果: lin liguo林立衡: lin liheng林立慧: fanny林立三: lam, lap-sam林立文: lin liwen林立洋: lee lam林立雯: liwen lin刀枪林立: bristle with bayonets帆樯林立: sails and masts stand forest-like.; a forest of masts; sails and masts crowded together like forests高楼林立: concrete jungle noun千樯林立的: ship filled森林立地: forest site森林立地型: forest site type桅樯林立: (the harbor) bristles with masts烟囱林立: factories with their forests of chimneys樯帆林立: there are a great number of junks -- a perfect forest of masts森林立地品质: site quality of forest大厦林立街道“峡谷”作用: street canyon effect德沃林立体镜图片: dvorine stereograms港口内林立的桅樯: a forest of masts in a harbour赫林立体视觉学说: hering theory of stereoscopic vision林立的电视天线: a forest of television aerials林利霏: lifei lin林利最大伐期龄: final age of the maximum forest rent