On the psychology of late song poet lin jingxi 论宋末诗人林景熙的遗民心态
Ms . amber lam , senior systems manager , hospital authority 医院管理局高级系统经理林景云女士
On achievements and failures of the annotation of qing poetry 林景熙诗歌的艺术成就及与谢翱诗歌艺术性之比较
Directed by lm kyungsoo 导演林景洙
The ceremony was hosted by prof edward chen , president of the university and attended by mr sean lin , chairman of friends unlimited , senior staff of lingnan university as well as participating mentors from friends unlimited and student mentees 岭大校长陈坤耀教授良朋会主席林景升先生岭大高层管理人员良朋会顾问导师及所有参与此计划的岭大学生均有出席。
林: forest; woods; grove景: view; scenery; scene桂林景: guilin view林景波: jing-bo lin林景泽: kyeong-taek im风林景象: vision of wind forest森林景色: weald森林景致: forest landscape园林景观设计: garden design亚洲园林景观建设协会: alca园林景观建设国际协会: alca这地区以森林景色著称: the region is remarkable for its woodland scenery中亚泛滥地森林景观: tugai landscape南京奥林匹克体育中心园林景观设计: landscape design of nanjing olympic center林警规程: rule of forest-police林警;营林员: forest ranger林静: jing lin林警,森林保护员。: forest ranger林静辉: lin jinghui林警, 森林保护员: forest ranger林静鸟啭: birds were spilling their song all over the quiet woods林警: forest ranger