构筑: construct; build隧道: tunnel; tunneling; tunnellin ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...工人: worker敷设管道的工人: laying gang隧道构筑物: tunnel structure建筑隧道用融化土石法: melting-rock-and-earth method隧道的敷设: tunnelling隧道的终点: the end of the tunnel隧道工人: sandhog; tunneler; tunneller笨拙的工人: botcher; tinker残废的工人: disabled-worker粗鲁的工人: rough hands翻动的工人: turner合格的工人: goodworker肯干的工人: a cheerful worker利落的工人: a neat worker dresser etc勤劳的工人: hardy industrialists细心的工人: thorough worker隧道的墙壁上: are written on the subway walls挖掘隧道的人: tunneldigger隧道挖掘工人: sandhog不熟练的工人: roustabout采树胶的工人: gum digger刻铜模的工人。: type cutter