构成: constitute; form; consist of ...方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...合成方法: synthese; synthetic method集成方法: integrated approach基本构成方程式: constitutive equation成本加成方法: costs plus approach废石堆形成方法: spoil heap formation system软件集成方法学: software integration methodology租金的构成方式将保证能: structuring: the determination of a lease payment成方: formulated prescriptions; narikata; set prescription; set recipe构成黑色版的方法: cym林得司分析烃类结构族组成方法: leendertse method for structural group analysis税控发票打印格式自动生成方法: adi构成: constitute; form; consist of; compose; make up; constitution; composition; formation; enter 构成部分 component part; 构成威胁 constitute [pose] a threat; 太阳光谱的构成 the constitution of the solar spectrum; 科学家研究土壤的构成。 scientists study the composition of the soil. 这种行动构成对别国内政的干涉。 these acts constitute an interference in the internal affairs of other countries. 火箭中的爆炸性混合物由燃料和氧气构成。 the explosive mixture in a rocket consists of both a fuel and a supply of oxygen构成黑色版的方法,是以: cym成方园: fangyuan cheng成方圆: cheng fangyuan老成方: laocheng fang委托方法构成了太长的消息链: long message chain (lmc)编成方格网: intermesh成方加减法: modifying method of a formulated prescription; the method modifying a set prescription成方形地: squarely成方形电路: squaring circuit分成方格的: tessellated古典成方: pharmacopoeia recipes