

发音:   用"极度狂热"造句
  • fever pitch
  • 极度:    extreme; exceeding; to the u ...
  • 狂热:    fanaticism; fanatical; fever ...
  • 极度狂恋:    passion to kill a
  • 狂热:    fanaticism; fanatical; feverish; rabid; fever 狂热的信徒 a fanatical follower; fanatic; zealot; 一阵狂热 a fever of enthusiasm; 战争狂热 war fever; 她狂热地迷恋着舞台生活。 she was mad about the stage. 这种狂热正席卷日本。 the craze is sweeping over japan.; 狂热市场 feverish market; 狂热性 fanaticism
  • 极度:    extreme; exceeding; to the utmost 极度疲劳 be extremely tired; be overcome with fatigue; 极度兴奋 be elated; get extremely excited; 同某人的关系仍然极度冷淡。 relations with somebody were still in deep freeze.; 极度疲劳 exhaustion; 极度痛苦 angor


  1. Several of hornby ' s books have become popular films , including high fidelity and fever pitch


        极度:    extreme; exceeding; to the u ...
        狂热:    fanaticism; fanatical; fever ...
        极度狂恋:    passion to kill a
        狂热:    fanaticism; fanatical; feverish; rabid; fever 狂热的信徒 a fanatical follower; fanatic; zealot; 一阵狂热 a fever of enthusiasm; 战争狂热 war fever; 她狂热地迷恋着舞台生活。 she was mad about the stage. 这种狂热正席卷日本。 the craze is sweeping over japan.; 狂热市场 feverish market; 狂热性 fanaticism
        极度:    extreme; exceeding; to the utmost 极度疲劳 be extremely tired; be overcome with fatigue; 极度兴奋 be elated; get extremely excited; 同某人的关系仍然极度冷淡。 relations with somebody were still in deep freeze.; 极度疲劳 exhaustion; 极度痛苦 angor
        轻度狂乱的:    slightly mad unbalanced in the mind wild and wandering in the mind
        对…狂热:    be crazy about / for
        发热, 狂热:    fever heat
        级狂热:    fanaticism
        狂热, 入迷:    fanaticism
        狂热,癖好:    mania
        狂热病:    monomania
        狂热的:    crazy; dithyrambic; fanatical; febriie; frenetic; frenzied; hectic; impassioned; madbrained; nutty; phrenetic; turned-on; whitehot; zealous
        狂热地:    enthusiastically; fanatically
        狂热性:    fanaticism
        狂热夜:    night fever
        狂热于:    be nuts about
        狂热者:    color=blaczealot; energumen; enthusiast; fanatic; fans; lunatic fringe; zealot zealot; zealots
        名,狂热:    fanaticism
        热情;狂热:    enthusiasm
        使狂热:    fanaticize
        极度的:    all; bad; deep; excruciating; extreme; hellfired; prefound; sore; supreme; utmost; uttermost
        极度地:    badly; bedside; fit to kill; overly; profound; radically; to heavens; to the last degree; toheave; with a vengeance
        极度好:    ultra fine
        偏极度:    degree of polarization


  1. "极度绝望"英文
  2. "极度空间"英文
  3. "极度恐慌"英文
  4. "极度恐惧"英文
  5. "极度狂恋"英文
  6. "极度困苦的情况"英文
  7. "极度困难"英文
  8. "极度困难,如海底捞针"英文
  9. "极度乐趣"英文
  10. "极度忙碌"英文


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