来自: come from国外: external; overseas; abroad的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...汇款: remit money来自国外的合作: a cooperation from abroad(汇款给居住在国外的亲戚: b. sending money to relatives living overseas国外的: abroad; external; offshore; overseas国外汇款: foreign remittance; overseas remittance; remittance from abroad往国外汇款: transferring money abroad向国外汇款: sending foreign remittances来自海外的: oversea您的汇款已经到了: yes your money has arrived万美元的汇款汇入: tbd未提取的汇出汇款: remittance and drafts outstanding国外汇款服务: foreign remittance service国外的债权: foreign claimable assets开往国外的: outbound; outward bound; outward-bound生于国外的: foreign born住在国外的: over sea自国: yorikuni航行国外的船: foreign going ship居于国外的人: eks5patriet @ 5peit zkspetriitit外国送金 国外汇款: foreign remittance用电汇向国外汇款: sending foreign remittances by telegraphic transfer要求一笔大数额的汇款: a remittance of a large sum is required