来往车辆: traffic嘈杂: noisy的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...声浪: voice; clamour使: send; tell sb. to do sth.人头: the number of people来往车辆: traffic accident / traffic jam来往车辆逐渐增多: a steady builduof trafficc穿马路前要看清来往车辆: look about you before crossing the street缓慢蠕动的来往车辆: traffic moving at a crawl繁忙的市场上嘈杂的声音: usy market嘈杂的: loud / noisy; tumultuoso; unpleasantly noisy or colourful抗议的声浪: a wave of protest嘈杂的,嗡声的: buzzing嘈杂的场所: bear garden; beargarden过往车辆: vehicular traffic令人头痛: cause a headache令人头痛的: headache; headachy让人头痛: give me a headache喧闹嘈杂的游行: callithump令人头痛的事: the plague of social jabbering使人头昏眼花: make one's head swim声浪: voice; clamour 抗议的声浪 a wave of protest; 来往车辆嘈杂的声浪使人头痛。 the clamour of the heavy traffic gave you a headache要求改善的声浪越来越大: the call for change intensified令人头痛的事情: a big headache