To debit to our current account ( s ) ( as the case may be ) any cheques , bills of exchange , promissory notes or orders for payment drawn , accepted or made by us in accordance with our signing instructions overleaf and to carry out any instructions given by us in accordance with our signing instructions overleaf in connection with any account or accounts of any kind whatsoever on our behalf notwithstanding that any such debiting or carrying out may cause such account ( s ) to be overdrawn or any overdraft thereon to be increased but without prejudice to your right to refuse to allow any overdraft or increase of overdraft 二.对于本人等之来往帐户所发出之支票、汇票、本票或任何支付凭证,或其他书面指示,倘有本人等于前页所列之有效签署,均可由此帐户支付;并得依照本人等于前页所列之有效签署之指示,处理一切与各该联名帐户有关之事宜,如因此而引致透支或增加透支之数额,则贵行得保留拒绝透支或增加透支之权利。
来往: come and go帐户: account活期存款,来往帐户: ac account current来往帐: account current来往帐目: open account活期存款来往帐目: current account开户,贸易账户,来往帐目: open account未决算的帐目;来往帐目: open account往帐: nostro account来往: (来和去) come and go 来往的信件 correspondence; 来往于京津之间 travel between beijing and tianjin; 街上来往的人很多。 there are many people coming and going on the streets. 翻修路面, 禁止车辆来往。 road under repair. no thoroughfare往帐(国际兑汇): nostrum account不来往: nonintercourse有来往: wayne smith与来往: traffic帐户: account 非贸易帐户 noncommercial account; 往来帐户 book account; 在银行开立帐户 open an account with a bank; 帐户分类 account classification; 帐户号码 account number; 帐户结余 account balance; 帐户名称 account title; 帐户年度 account year不与人来往: keep oneself to oneself穿梭来往: busy comings and goings; shuttle back and forth档案来往: movement of files断绝来往: cd verison; djkevin remix; sony bmg顾客,来往客户: correspondents互相来往: intercommunion交际;来往;交流: intercourse经常来往: commute来来往往: come and go; go to and fro;coming and going in great number来来往往的: to-and-fro