来: come; arrive乐: music来乐春: lai lechun喜来乐: shenyixilaile滋来乐: mozzarella令人满足或带来乐趣的事物: thing that gives contentment or pleasure来兰格: leiranger来里: lairi来来往往地: back and forth来历: origin; source; antecedents; background; past history 查明来历 trace to the source; ascertain a person's antecedents来来往往的人: comers and goers来历不明: unknown source or origin; it is not clear how he comes by so many valuables.; it is not clear how he comes to occupy the present important position.; obscure [unknown] origin; of dubious background; of questionable antecedents; one's legal identity not clarified of unknown origin; 这辆卡车来历不明。this truck is of unknown origin来来往往的: to-and-fro来历不明财产: unexplained property来来往往;川流不息: come and go