条约: convention; treaty; pact的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...缔结: conclude; establish缔结条约的能力: capacity to conclude treatises合同的缔结: conclusion of contract缔结条约: conclusion of treaty; enter into treaty公约的缔约成员: party to convention条约的保留: reservations to treaties条约的废除: voidance of teaty条约的更正: modification of treaties条约的解释: treaty interpretation条约的履行: fulfilment of treaty条约的批准: ratification of treaties; treaty ratification条约的失效: voidness of treaties条约的适用: application of the treaty条约的条文: article of a treaty条约的无效: invalidity of treaties条约的修订: revision of treaty条约的修正: amendment of treaties条约的展期: renewal of treaties条约的中止: termination of treaties由条约缔结的联盟: a union by treaty订立契约, 缔结条约, 参加联盟: enter into a bond缔结: conclude; establish 缔结条约 conclude a treaty具有条约的性质: of nature